Monday, 30 June 2014

An exciting thing about Seneca@York is that once a year we the students have the opportunity to submit our art work to the Seneca Artbook. For this year I decided to give it a try and this is what my pages look like. Enjoy.

Lastly, the the biggest layout assignment was the Historic Pan layout assignment. By choosing a historic time period the layout had to correspond to that time. For me I chose the years where cowboys were around in the dessert and electricity wasn't their main source of energy.

 (Here are some rough shots related to the historic pan, probably later on I will post final images)
Going back to interiors, the Mad Scientist layout assignment taught us how to utilize different layers.
(this is a rough version, but the Final is basically a cleaned up version of this rough)
The first exterior layout assignment was the Campsite layout. The title of the assignment pretty much speaks for itself; design a campsite. For mine I had the concept of a campsite for treasure hunters who found a spot to rest after raiding a cave.

Once the Kids Bedroom was over with the Barbershop layout was the next assignment. My barbershop was more leaning towards a shop for the children crowd. With toys, t.v's small seats, and cute atmosphere, I thought it would be good additions to the layout.

After the Kitchen assignment was the Kids Bedroom layout assignment. The "twist" for this assignment was that the guys had to design a girls room and the girls and to design a boys room. For my little girls room I had the idea where she was a little beauty pageant girl.
First layout assignment of the year was a simple kitchen layout. To make mine somewhat unique I designed it to the liking of a person who seemed to enjoy being clean and tidy, single tends to use their laptop a lot and has a pet cat.

Along with Digital tools; another favorite class during first year was Layout. The next few posts are several of the layout drawings I accomplished. Enjoy.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Lastly from first semester digital painting class I want to share is our "Self-portrait" assignment. The assignment basically speaks for itself. By using the skills we learned over a few weeks we applied them to create a digital rendering of our faces. Enjoy.

"Digital Render":

Thursday, 26 June 2014

One of our last assignments was to use any edible food item and turn it into a character. For me I chose a potato and turned it into a warrior, a Potatorior. (I gave him potato chip shield and a french fry sword haha)

And some more examples.

Afterwards we as a class learned how to cell shade. (NOTE: the character design is not mine, I only did the colouring)

Some more examples.

In second semester we start to move onto digital work on the computer. Here's some examples.

The last animation (for now) is my rough version of the "Character Walk Cycle" assignment.

The "Leg Cycle" animation assignment was one of the few animations during first semester I enjoyed.

Another assignment we had in animation was the "Seaweed's spine" animation.

Adding onto the double ball bounce is a tail. This is the double ball bounce with tail.

Here are some animations from first semester. Starting off is the double ball bounce.

Monday, 16 June 2014

"Character Transformation" assignment.
Title says it all. For this assignment I made a red riding hood type character turn into the witch from Snow White. PLOT TWIST!

Character Line-Up assignment.

 For this assignment there was a description of 5 characters and for the students our task was to create characters that fit their description.
"Designing a new character in a cartoon style" assignment.
The show I was assigned to was The Legend of Korra. I tried creating a new character with a standard pose with two of her facial expressions.

"Character caricature" assignment.

This assignment was to take a student from the class, choose a cartoon show and bring the classmate into that style. Also had to add that the end product was a lazy pirate.

Character Posing with Life drawings.
1st year Character Design stuff next!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Comedy Storyboard
Almost Naked Animals.
(Sorry for the lack to words for the description of each panel)